"All of history is moving toward one great goal, the white-hot worship of God and His Son among all the peoples of the earth. Missions is not that goal. It is the means. Missions exists because worship doesn't." John Piper
Pleasant View's goal is to make the name of the One True and Living God known among the peoples. God reconciled us by His Son through the gospel. We live in the gospel, and we live out the gospel so that others might see Him.
It starts where we live, work, go to school, and have relationships. Because of Acts 1:8 we encourage our people to live on mission towards the people all around them. We also provide organized opportunities each year to serve in North America and all over the world. We have previously taken our people to the poverty stricken areas of “Appalachia” and to the homeless in inner city Baltimore. Our members have worked with Baptist Global Response shortly after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. We are currently sending teams and supporting Disciple's Village ministries as a way to continue to serving the people of Haiti.
Internationally we have supported our members who have gone on “short-term” trips to Mexico, Belize, Nepal, Brazil, India, and China. In addition we pray, give, and go in partnership with our denomination's International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. Five years ago we adopted 20 pastors/church planters from South Asia who work with Serve India Ministries and continue to support them today. We have also prayerfully adopted the unreached Shaikh people group in Asia beckoning God to send the light of Jesus to them!